
Day Two of 7th IREF Highlights Innovations in Autonomous Aerial Systems, Cloud Seeding Materials

Abu Dhabi: The second day of the 7th International Rain Enhancement Forum (IREF), organized by the National Center of Meteorology through the UAE Research Program for Rain Enhancement Science (UAEREP), featured insightful panel discussions and interactive presentations focused on advancing technologies and fostering innovation in rainfall enhancement, alongside efforts to empower the next generation of researchers.

According to Emirates News Agency, building on the momentum of the Forum’s dynamic discussions on the opening day, day two commenced with a session on ‘Advances in Autonomous Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) for Weather Modification Applications’, exploring how emerging UAS technologies contribute to rainfall enhancement efforts. The session drew the participation of prominent experts including Dr. Chaouki Kasmi, Chief Innovation Officer, Technology Innovation Institute (TII), who delivered the opening speech, alongside Jan Henneberger, Research Group Leader at ETH Zurich, Vasile Istrate, Researcher, Active Interventions in Atmosphere SA, Roelof Burger, Professor in Geo- and Spatial Sciences at North-West University, and Deon Terblanche, Member of UAEREP’s Strategic Direction Committee (SDC), who moderated the session.

Panellists examined the multifaceted challenges of implementing UAS for weather modification, including technological readiness, regulatory and operational constraints, and the economic feasibility of autonomous real-time decision-making systems. The session also included a series of technical presentations by the panelists who highlighted advancements in the field. Jan Henneberger shared insights from the Glaciogenic Cloud Seeding Using Uncrewed Aerial Vehicles (UAV) – CloudLab project, whereas Vasile Istrate presented his research on ‘Exploring Fixed-Wing UAVs for Enhanced Cloud Seeding: Innovations in Weather Management’. The third presentation by Roelof Burger focused on ‘Evaluating the Role of Unmanned Aerial Systems in Cloud Seeding’.

The second session, titled ‘Opportunities and Challenges for the Design, Development, and Testing of Novel Cloud Seeding Materials’, was moderated by Dr. Mohammed Mahmoud, CEO and Founder of the Climate and Water Initiative. The discussion brought together experts including James Sweeney, President of Weather Modification International (WMI), who delivered the opening speech, as well as Miloslav Belorid, Senior Researcher at the National Institute of Meteorological Sciences, Professor Linda Zou from Khalifa University, Ottmar M¶hler from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, and Will Cantrell, UAEREP 5th Cycle Awardee and Dean of the Graduate School at Michigan Technological University.

Panellists explored the interest in both glaciogenic and hygroscopic agents, harnessing advancements in material science and particle manufacturing toward implementation in cloud seeding operations. Discussions also covered socio-economic, logistical, regulatory, and other considerations involved in the transition from the lab setting to operational environments through case studies, along with the identification of priority areas for the accelerated discovery and testing of novel cloud seeding materials. The session also featured several technical presentations highlighting research. Miloslav Belorid presented on the “Analysis of Cloud Seeding Materials Using K-CPEC Laboratory and Their Implementation in a WRF Spectral-Bin Microphysics Model for Weather Modification Assessment.” Professor Linda Zou, UAEREP 1st Cycle Awardee and Professor at Khalifa University discussed “Novel Cloud Seeding Materials: The Complex Interplay Between Materials Science and Cloud Physics.” The third presentation by Ottmar M¶hler e
xplored the ‘Development, Implementation, and Operation of New Cloud Simulation Chambers for Ice Nucleation Experiments with Natural and Manufactured Aerosols.’

The final session of the day was dedicated to student and early-career scientist poster presentations, providing a platform for emerging researchers to showcase their work in rainfall enhancement. Participants from local and international research institutions presented their findings, highlighting advancements in rain enhancement and related fields. This session underscored UAEREP’s commitment to supporting and empowering the next generation of innovators and scientists to actively participate in shaping the future of rain enhancement research.

The 7th IREF coincides with UAEREP’s 10th anniversary, a milestone that underscores its decade-long commitment to advancing rain enhancement science and technology as a sustainable solution to water scarcity challenges, while contributing to water and food security both locally and globally. To date, UAEREP has allocated AED 82.6 million towards the successful completion of 11 innovative research projects, resulting in 8 patents, with 3 more pending registration. Additionally, 3 new research projects are currently underway.

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