
EAD Issues Regulation on Environmental Violations and Fines in Abu Dhabi

Abu Dhabi: The Environment Agency – Abu Dhabi (EAD) has introduced a regulation addressing reconciliation and appeal procedures concerning environmental administrative violations and fines in the emirate of Abu Dhabi. The regulation establishes a framework that details the mechanisms for reconciliation and appeal processes, aiming to enhance transparency and encourage violators to resolve and pay the administrative fines incurred.

According to Emirates News Agency, the regulation is developed under Law No. (16) of 2005, which reorganizes EAD and allows the agency to offer reconciliation to violators. This is contingent upon the violator agreeing to pay 75 percent of the total administrative fine. The regulation applies to violations listed in EAD’s Board of Directors Decision No. (2) of 2021, which details the table of administrative violations and fines. It clarifies the procedures for settlement and appeal in cases of violations imposed by EAD.

The regulation specifies that settlements are not allowed for repeated violations unless a year has passed since the previous infraction. It also prohibits reconciliation for violations with environmental impacts as determined by EAD. If reconciliation is not available or rejected, or if the settlement deadline passes, the violator must pay the full fine within a designated period.

Violators are required to rectify the impact of their actions and restore the environment to its pre-violation state within a timeline set by EAD. Failure to comply will result in EAD addressing the impact at the violator’s expense. The regulation allows violators to appeal within 60 days of notification, provided they submit relevant data to support their appeal. If the appeal is unsuccessful, the violator must pay the administrative fine, and the appeal decision is considered final.

Dr. Shaikha Salem Al Dhaheri, Secretary-General of EAD, emphasized that the regulation aids in mitigating negative environmental impacts from various activities, supporting the agency’s efforts to protect the environment for future generations. She noted that EAD will implement these regulations across the emirate in coordination with strategic partners to achieve the regulation’s goals.

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